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OB/GYN located in Newport Beach, CA & Irvine, CA

A cystocele can be alarming, interfere with your bladder functioning, and lead to complications. Fortunately, the skillful providers of OBGYN CARE have valuable solutions in two locations in Newport Beach and Irvine, California. From medications and lifestyle changes to surgery with the minimally invasive da Vinci® robotic surgical system, women’s health specialists Catalin Marinescu, MD, FACOG, provide personalized testing and treatments to improve your health and quality of life. Book online or over the phone today.

Cystocele Q & A

What is a cystocele?

Cystocele, also called anterior prolapse or prolapsed bladder, occurs when the supportive tissue between the bladder and vaginal wall stretches and weakens, so the bladder falls against and presses on your vagina.

What are the symptoms of a cystocele?

With more mild cases of cystocele, you might not have any signs or symptoms. Some of the symptoms of more advanced cystocele might include:

  • A feeling of pressure or fullness in your vagina and pelvis
  • Increased discomfort when you cough, strain, or lift
  • Feeling like you haven't completely emptied your bladder after urination
  • Recurrent bladder infections
  • Urinary leakage or pain during sexual intercourse 

In severe cases, you might feel a bulge of tissue protruding through your vaginal opening.

A severely prolapsed bladder can be uncomfortable, interfere with urination, and lead to bladder infections.

What causes a cystocele?

A cystocele usually happens with the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, and tissues. Causes of this pelvic floor weakness include:

  • Straining with bowel movements
  • Chronic constipation
  • Bronchitis or chronic cough
  • Repeated heavy lifting
  • Being obese or overweight
  • Pregnancy and childbirth 

Some women are born with weaker connective tissues and are more susceptible to developing a cystocele.

How is a cystocele treated?

To treat a cystocele, your provider might recommend:

  • Eating more fiber from healthy foods like fruits and vegetables
  • Avoiding heavy lifting
  • Controlling coughing
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Medications, such as anti-inflammatories
  • Specific exercises, such as yoga and kegel exercises
  • Vaginal estrogen therapy

Dr. Marinescu or Dr. Baker might recommend a pessary — a rubber or plastic ring gently inserted into your vagina to support bulging tissues. You must remove your pessary regularly for cleaning.

In some cases, your doctor might recommend a surgical procedure. Surgery for cystocele can often be performed vaginally where your prolapsed bladder is lifted back into place, extra tissue is removed, and the ligaments and muscles of your pelvic floor are tightened. Dr. Marinescu or Dr. Baker might use a special type of tissue graft to reinforce vaginal tissues and offer support.

If you have a prolapsed uterus, your provider might recommend a hysterectomy to remove your uterus in addition to repairing the damaged pelvic floor.

OBGYN CARE provides advanced minimally invasive surgery with the da Vinci® robot-assisted surgical system that allows for smaller incisions, less downtime, and a smoother and faster recovery. The practice is known for perfect anatomical and cosmetic restoration for cystoceles. 

No matter the cause of your cystocele, the compassionate providers of OBGYN CARE are here to help. Click the online booking tool or call one of the offices to schedule today.