Ablation of endometriosis refers to a laparoscopic intervention that limitedly resects the endometrial implants already present in the abdominal cavity (see chapter endometriosis). Usually is a palliative measure due to ongoing process and further chance of other implants development. However the greatest benefit appears mostly in the first year, especially if the procedure is executed for infertility indications. In advanced stages of the disease the intraabdominal inflammation and scarring may make the procedure ineffective and a more radical approach is indicated.
When addressing to a surgeon for the cure of endometriosis, the initial step is laparoscopic confirmation of suspected diagnosis with or without biopsy. Should your diagnosis be confirmed already and you are seeking treatment, there are certain measures that your physician can offer in a step-by-step approach, ending with the definitive cure of hysterectomy with or without ovarian removal. Before you jump into surgery you should ask about the suspected stage of endometriosis, which correlates closely with the operative risk. As we mentioned in the endometriosis chapter, the stage IV of disease (“frozen pelvis”) is probably one of the most challenging gynecological interventions and requires expert approach or multidisciplinary team.
Stay informed! We advise you to make a calculated decision before choosing your form of care and we encourage you to address to us any questions you may have. For a direct encounter with our surgeon and a targeted assessment and care of your particular condition, please schedule an appointment at our office.