Abnormal uterine bleeding and heavy menstrual flow are common problems that occur or recur through out a woman’s life. Some of them are only functional deregulations; others may be signs of severe illness. ACOG defined recently a classification system named PALM-COEIN (polyp, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, malignancy, coagulation problems, ovarian dysfunctions, endometrial, iatrogenic and not-yet classified) only to address the abnormal uterine bleedings. Adding other conditions expressed through vaginal bleeding, culminating with cervical cancer for example, you can get an idea about the diversity of conditions your physician needs to keep in mind when diagnosis a specific complaint. Of course there are many factors that raise or lower the probability of one or another, but a trained expert can integrate all the details and focus on the essential such a correct approach will not be delayed by unnecessary investigations.
Please be advised that pain is not a reliable indicator of the severity of any illness as is neither the amount of bleeding. Let’s take for example the simple case of a positive pregnancy test followed few weeks later by bleeding. A complete spontaneous miscarriage will evoke a large amount of bleeding with clots and midline cramps, while requiring no further intervention. On the other hand an extra uterine ectopic pregnancy expresses itself through minor vaginal bleeding and intermittent unilateral pain, while the intervention can be life-saving.
We recommend that any abnormal bleeding should be investigated. For every condition diagnosed the early recognition may radically alter the course, whether through awareness and close monitoring, whether through an immediate intervention, whichever suits that problem best. We offer all the diagnostic tools and options for treatment available medically and surgically at worldwide class level in an individualized form of care for you.