Minimally invasive surgery is a broad terminology that includes various procedures executed without an abdominal incision. Nowadays the approach can be either laparoscopic or robot assisted laparoscopic. The difference is that the robot provides the surgeon with easier maneuverability and enhanced tridimensional view, but instead of 3 trocar incisions with traditional laparoscopy, it requires 5 ports. Also the robotic set up is time consuming and makes the procedure suitable for larger cases, usually malignancies with associated lymph node dissection.
Laparoscopy has been advanced today worldwide to almost every pathologic condition surgically treated. On rare occasions the initial minimally invasive approach cannot be completed at such and requires conversion to open method. This is however not a complication of the procedure, but a change in approach for safety reasons. Lets assume for example a large uterus needs to be extracted from the abdominal cavity after laparoscopic hysterectomy. The instrument used to divide the uterus in fragments in order to be extracted through a 1.5 cm wide trocar is called a morcelator. However not all tumors can be morcelated if suspect of cancer or containing puss and so on. Therefore an incision needs to be made in order to remove the tissue from abdominal cavity. There are also other instances that require conversion and your physician needs to discuss them with you priorly.
Our physician specializes in minimally invasive surgery for every known gynecologic condition whether for removal of structures (e.g. hysterectomy) or for reconstructive procedures (e.g. sacrocolpopexy). The recovery period is shorter, graved by less pain, requiring maximum 23 hours hospital observation. The patients are able to walk, eat and function independently the same day after major surgery. Within 1 week most of the normal body functionality is fully restored.
To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, contact OBGYN Care of Newport Beach today at 949-642-3606.